Saturday, May 26, 2007

waiting out a rainstorm

Excuse any errors and the shortness of the post as we are experiencing difficulty with the French keyboard. All of the countries have had slight differences but this is ridiculous.

Geneva was a nice place; definately a very international flare. It was also very interesting to see how french switzerland differed from italian swiss and german swiss. A lot of culture in one small country. Got into Lyon yesterday and had a bit of trouble locating our hostel. Finally found it but we were definately cooked. Today has been a lot of fun. Watched a massive bocce tournament. They do not play bham rules; weird. Hit a couple of markets and got some great fresh grub for a picnic. Found a huge city park/zoo. all kinds of exotic animals. Laid down in the grass to take a nap and at the same time it started raining like mad. Huddled under a tree until the bulk passed and then headed to the internet cafe. Tomorrow we head to Arles for the rest of the weekend. Suppose to be a good festival with flamenco dancing and bullfighting. Probably to Tossa Del Mar in northern Spain to lay on the beach as we are feeling a bit tired. This traveling thing is hard. The french seem much more accepting of tourists at this point. Have to wait and see what a big city is like though. More to come including pics of the boot (you will understand) so stay tuned.

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