Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A few pics

First Dinner of the Trip. Grocery store grub on the rooftop of our hostel. How Romantic!St. Peter's Basillica - Un-photographable
Foro Romano - Yeah, we walked where Julius Ceasar walked
The River Nile - about 10' long

Facade on the Duomo in Orvieto @ Sunset. Que Bella!

Quick Cat Nap before the next train ride

Aubree enjoying exploring the castle in Assisi

Unbelievable town of Civita - Only access via Donkey Path Bridge

Stay Tuned.....More to Come!

1 comment:

JJD said...

What an awesome trip! Congratulations on making it happen, you guys rule. (Aub, great haircut. Very travel friendly, too). Keep the updates coming, The Donovan's.