Walking underneath a waterfall - very cold and wet
Swiss Alps hostel hot tub - yeah, it's wood fired

Just another day on the trail

Another decent lunch spot - note Hazen lower right

Sadly, this is our last night in the Alps. I think we might cry a little on the way out, but our legs will be screaming for joy. We have done some pretty serious hiking the last 3 days and our legs just didn't want to go this morning. They loosened up though and we got in a pretty good hike.
We are off toward Southern France tomorrow. We will be stopping in Geneva, Switzerland but we haven't decided if we will stay the night or keep going to Lyon, France. Followed by the French Riviera by the weekend (more sun tanning). Thanks for all the comments and encouragement. We really appreciate hearing from you.
Hey Aubree and Hazen! I love your blog- The pictures are amazing! My sister just moved to Geneva Switzerland- if you need a place to chill for a while, her address is Cowan
46, Avenue Wendt
CH-1203 Geneva
Switzerland. She'd love it. The world is smaller than we think! Tell her Andrea sent you. Good luck with all the travels and stay safe! Andrea Tulett
What up Armstrongs!!! We finally checked out your website and we are extremely jealous. We feel that if you guys are true friends,you would stay in europe til we head over next april. Keep us updated, I want to see some drunk Aubree pixs and Im sure Andy wants to see some of the "toplessness." Love, JAWS
Beautiful country isn't it? Great photos! Keep enjoying yourselves and have loads of fun...easy on the hiking though! Take care!
Aunt Deb
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