Friday, June 29, 2007


Guten tag,

We have been very busy and only have a couple minutes for this post. When we get to Berlin we will put up a decent one.

A couple days ago we visited the Normandy beaches. What a beautiful place. It was a great honor to pay our respects to some of the bravest people in American history.

Long train to Munich. This place is like heaven for us. The beer flows like the salmon of capistrano!!!!! We have been to a lot of beer halls and eaten our fare share of brats. Can't wait to get back here for Oktoberfest.

We took day trips to the Dachau Concentration camp and "Mad" king ludwigs castels in bavaria. Two amazing days. We are traveling to Berlin tomorrow. Talk to you all soon.


*BALURDI* said...


JJD said...

The "salmon of capistrano"?!?! Good god, how many beers have you had?

Anonymous said...

sounds like you guys are having lots of fun. hope all is well, take care, & have an awesome 4th.

Anonymous said...

HEY THERE EUROPEEEEEEEEEIN touristers . everything looks mmmmmmmazin! I wish that I was able to come visit you guys just only for one day. every picture (except the one of the naked old dudes, you perv aub) looks awsome, so hazen how did the surfin go? miss both ya'll like I miss a fried egg on a cheeseburger! DREW